Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cómo saber si un migrante está detenido por la migra

Cã ³mo saber si un migrante est detenido por la migra Para saber si un inmigrante est detenido por Inmigraciã ³n en Estados Unidos feed que partir del hecho de que no feed listados de detenidos, sin ban se puede seguir una estrategia buscar y encontrar los nombres de los migrantes en custodia y en quã © prisiã ³n estn. En este artã ­culo se explica cã ³mo funciona la base de datos del ICE, la agencia del gobierno encargada de detener a migrantes y que sirve para confirmar si la persona que se busca est detenida y, en caso afirmativo, dã ³nde. Asimismo, se informa sobre quã © hacer cuando el nombre de la persona que se busca no aparece y cuando es necesario contratar an un abogado. Finalmente, se hace una referencia al tiempo que un migrante puede permanecer detenido, a las condiciones de los centros de detenciã ³n y cã ³mo buscar an un detenido en una prisiã ³n government o neighborhood por un asunto diferente a migraciã ³n. Cã ³mo saber si un inmigrante se encuentra detenido por la migra ICE mantiene una base de datos donde puede se puede buscar a las personas que se sospecha han sido detenidas por inmigraciã ³n. Puede elegirse el idioma en la parte unrivaled derecha donde pone select a language y con la flechita escoger espaã ±ol, si asã ­ se desea. Es una pgina segura de utilizar donde aplican unos criterios fuertes de confidencialidad. Es decir, a la persona que busca no se le pide ningã ºn dato ni que se identifique o registre de ninguna manera ni tampoco se guarda informaciã ³n sobre computadora o IP desde la que se realiza la bã ºsqueda. Clases de bã ºsqueda en base de datos demigrantes detenidos Puede realizarse dos clases de bã ºsqueda. La primera es la conocida como por nã ºmero de extranjero (A-Number)â que es un nã ºmero que tienen tanto los residentes permanentes legales (RPL) como task migrante que ha tenido contacto con migraciã ³n, ya que es el nã ºmero con el que se le identifica. Por ejemplo, es un nã ºmero que aparece tambiã ©n en los permisos de trabajo conocidos por sus siglas en inglã ©s de EAD. La segunda bã ºsqueda est reservada para tasks los dems inmigrantes, es decir, cuando no tienen ese nã ºmero o no se sabeâ y se conoce comoâ bã ºsquedaâ por informaciã ³n biogrfica. En estos casos es necesario el nombre, apellido y paã ­s de nacimiento de la persona que se desea encontrar. Tambiã ©n ayuda conocer su fecha exacta de nacimiento, aunque à ©ste es un dato que no es necesario. Sã ­ puede ser muy conveniente porque roughage nombres y apellidos muy comunes, como por ejemplo Juan Garcã ­a o Josã © Rodrã ­guez, y pueden aparecer varias personas con el mismo nombre, y no ser ninguna la que se busca. No se puede encontrar en este sistema a la persona que han dado un nombre falso, a menos que quien la busca sepa cul es. Si aparece el nombre de la persona que se busca, se sabr donde est detenida. Buscar la pgina de web del centro e informarse sobre las reglas para recibir llamadas, llamarla o enviarle dinero o cosas y seguir las instrucciones. Personas que no estn incluidas en la base de datos del ICE De los siguientes detenidos no se encuentra informaciã ³n: 1. Menores de 18 aã ±os. 2. Inmigrantes que han sido puestos en libertad hace ms de 60 dã ­as. En este caso estn incluidas las personas que pueden haber sido deportadas o han salido del paã ­s voluntariamente. Tener en cuenta que las personas reciã ©n detenidas pueden demorarse unos dã ­as en aparecer en el sistema. Adems las personas que utilizan nombres falsos aparece con estos, por lo que es necesario conocerlos. Por à ºltimo es posible que los apellidos o el nombre estã ©n mal deletreados. Es recomendable en estos casos intentar varias opciones a la hora de escribir un nombre, si con la forma correcta no aparece el que se busca. Cã ³mo obtener de ERO informaciã ³n sobre migrantes detenidos Si un migrante del que se sospecha que est detenido no aparece en la base de datos del ICE se puede checar con el oficial de migraciã ³n del ERO. Cabe destacar que solamente la familia de un inmigrante detenido o sus representantes legales pueden tener acceso an esa informaciã ³n. Para ello deben dirigirse a la oficina del ICE encargada de Ejecuciã ³n Legal y Operaciones de Expulsiã ³n (ERO, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), que es la responsable de ese caso inmigratorio. Si no sabe exactamente quã © oficina lleva el asunto, puede contactar con la que crea que ha podido iniciar el caso, por ejemplo, la que corresponda a su lugar de domicilio, si es que vivã ­a en Estados Unidos. Si se trata de un inmigrante que acaba de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera, ponerse en contacto con la oficina que corresponda al lugar por donde se crea que se ha hecho el cruce. Adems, los mexicanos tanto en Estados Unidos como en Mã ©xico, pueden marcar al telã ©fono del CIAM, donde brindan informaciã ³n para encontrar personas en ms bases de datos y otro tipo de ayuda, como informaciã ³n para enviar dinero an un detenido o avisos a familiares de personas en prisiã ³n. Este es el telã ©fono y cã ³mo marcar y a quã © horas. Cundo es necesario un abogado para encontrar an una persona detenida por la migra Si un migrante del que se cree que est detenido por Inmigraciã ³n no aparece en la base de datos del ICE y/o el oficial migratorio del ERO a freight de un detenido se niega a dar informaciã ³n de dã ³nde est, la soluciã ³n es contratar an un abogado migratorio de buena reputaciã ³n, que est habilitado para realizar la bã ºsqueda. Adems, un abogado puede ser siempre la mejor opciã ³n para solicitar que se fije una fianza para que el migrante estã © libre mientras resuelven su caso o para decidir cul es la mejor estrategia legitimate. Frecuentemente los migrantes detenidos aceptan un arreglo de salida voluntaria pensando que es lo mejor, pero podrã ­an tener opciones realistas para otros alivios migratorios como por ejemplo un TPS, DACA para muchachos que llegaron an EE.UU. siendo niã ±os, asilo o cancelaciã ³n de la remociã ³n. Cã ³mo visitar an una persona detenida por la migra Si al buscar en esta pgina web an un inmigrante encuentra que est â€Å"bajo custodia†, entonces selecciones â€Å"actual centro de detenciã ³n†, donde se le dir dã ³nde est y quã © debe hacer para visitarlo, si asã ­ lo desea. Se recomienda que risks de emprender el viaje contacte directamente con el centro y confirme que la persona sigue allã ­ detenida. Roughage que subrayar que para realizar la visita se necesita tener un ID con fotografã ­a emitido por una agencia del gobierno. Es muy recomendable que solo vayan de visita an una crcel las personas que se encuentran legalmente en Estados Unidos, como por ejemplo los ciudadanos americanos, los residentes permanentes, o las personas con una visa en regla. Adems, se puede consultar el artã ­culo sobre informaciã ³n especã ­fica de cã ³mo marcar, visitar, enviar dinero y averiguar sobre fianza para los casos de migrantes en los centros de detenciã ³n de Texas. Cã ³mo saber el estatus de un caso en Corte migratoria Si el asunto corresponde an un Tribunal de Inmigraciã ³n se puede llamar al 1-800-898-7180. Si ya se ha recurrido y est bet la Junta de Apelaciones de Inmigraciã ³n (BIA, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), se puede llamar al (703) 605-1007. Cunto tiempo puede estar un migrante detenido Depende principalmente del caso de cada uno pero incluso entran en juego otros factores como cun llenas estã ©n las prisiones pero puede variar desde unos dã ­as a semanas, meses e incluso, aã ±os. En la actualidad se est aplicando la polã ­tica de tolerancia cero en la frontera, lo cual ha alargado el tiempo que los migrantes pasan detenidos. Cã ³mo child las prisiones migratorias No es posible establecer una unificaciã ³n de caracterã ­sticas de las ms de 200 prisiones en las que estn encerrados los migrantes por violaciones migratorias porque varã ­an segã ºn tamaã ±o y tambiã ©n segã ºn quiã ©n las gestione. Algunas child de ICE, otras child rentadas a condados o ciudades regions y otras child administradas por empresas privadas. En la actualidad, ms del 60% de migrantes detenidos estn en prisiones privadas, lo cual le cuesta al gobierno government $149,58 por inmigrante al dã ­a. Finalmente, destacar que un migrante puede ser trasladado de una prisiã ³n an otra sin aviso previo, incluso puede ser enviado an un estado muy lejano de donde residã ­a o de donde fue agarrado por la migra. Cã ³mo buscar migrantes en prisiones no migratorias Si se cree que un natural est detenido pero no aparece en la base de datos de Inmigraciã ³n es posible hacer una bã ºsqueda en web para saber si una persona est detenida en alguna de las prisiones federalesâ que no tienen que ver con asuntos migratorios. En estos casos roughage que saber como mã ­nimo el nombre y el apellido del inmigrante que se busca. Tambiã ©n es posible que estã ©n en un centro que depende de un condado u otra autoridad neighborhood. Si tampoco asã ­ se le encuentra, es posible utilizar un conjunto de bases de datos y estrategias de bã ºsquedas en web con el blade de dar con la persona que se busca. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que cuando una autoridad estatal o neighborhood arresta an un migrante, es posible que Inmigraciã ³n coloque un hold que, de ejecutarse, llevarã ­a al migrante a cumplir la primera detenciã ³n y al finalizarla, serã ­a entregado a la migra. Puntos clave para encontrar an un detenido por la migra Buscar primero en la base de datos de ICE de migrantes detenidosSi no aparece, contactar con EROLos abogados migratorios pueden encont

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Partnership Ecosystem in Software Development Microsoft Case Study

Question: As a situation Im working in a think-tank and Microsoft needs to examine organization environment from customers point of view. Microsoft is attempting to comprehend which choice criterias are significant for the customer. So I arranged beneath inquiries for asset questions (3. Research Question area underneath). Microsoft will approach these inquiries to customers for re-sort out their accomplice program. Is there a summed up approach to quantify specialized skill and expertise of an accomplice? What is the weighted impact of accomplice has venture involvement with a similar industry of the customer a determination standards? What is the weighted impact of effectively and bombed venture encounters in the past of accomplice? Does the accomplice have or apply a part standard task the executives system? Is to what extent has the accomplice been working in the segment a determination models? What is the favored parity of center for representatives of the accomplice between finished confirmation projects and undertaking encounters in both the neighborhood and global markets? Answer: Presentation The reason for this investigation is to present an exploration proposition on the organization biological system in programming advancement for the organization Microsoft. Accomplice biological system can be comprehended as pool of associations an organization has made. Accomplice environment for each organization varies in its manifestation relying upon the prerequisite of the business and center competency of the association. In addition, the in the tech scene, the job and significance of organization biological systems have expanded because of the specific administrations they give. Accomplice environment incorporates survey destinations, application store, administration accomplices, and designer network (Rickmann et al. 2014). Practically all the effective tech organizations have built up their own association biological system that encourages the association to remain ahead in rivalry; thus, these accomplice substances are additionally profited as they approach the effectively evolved client base and specialized help that these associations give. The goal of this exploration proposition is to help Microsoft in recognizing organization biological system from customers point of view. The report would in this way, help Microsoft to comprehend which determination measures are significant for the customer and how accomplice organizations and Microsoft can make a synergistic impact so as to increase upper hand (Wareham et al. 2014). Foundation Microsoft is one of the biggest tech organizations on the planet, both regarding worth and volume. The customers of Microsoft incorporates other enormous organizations, for example, Adobe, Bing, Outlook, Skype, Pixar, EBay, Boeing, Samsung, GE Healthcare, Mazda, LG, Dell, and some more. Aside from the enormous corporate customers, there are a large number of independent clients of Microsoft. In this manner, it is for all intents and purposes unimaginable for Microsoft to give tweaked administrations and client experience to their clients without anyone else. In this unique situation, the job of accomplice biological system gets vital. Microsoft has assembled a solid and assorted accomplice biological system (Costanza et al. 2014). The advantages of joining Microsoft accomplice organize are boundless. Microsoft gives a lot of center advantages that assists with setting aside time and cash, reinforce accomplices capacities, assists with serving clients better, and fabricate association with arrive at full business potential. The center advantages are selling (deals motivating force, advancements and unique proposals to drive development), access to new markets and clients, staying refreshed with Microsoft accomplice arrange news, business openings, and instructional classes, and getting extraordinary help from the Microsoft (Clarysse et al. 2014). Besides, this connection is commonly gainful and Microsoft benefits as much as its accomplices. Over 95% of the Microsofts income courses through channel, making accomplice biological system basic to the companys achievement and Microsofts achievement rely upon the general execution of its channel accomplices (van et al. 2013). Issue Statement Microsoft accomplice environment, all the more famously known as Microsoft Partner Network (MNP), is intended to make assets accessible to a more noteworthy number of innovation organizations in such a way, that they can manufacture a business around Microsoft advancements. At present, Microsofts accomplice biological system comprises of in excess of 650,000 accomplices, merchants, and specialist co-ops that construct or sell arrangements dependent on Microsofts items and administrations (van et al. 2014). Microsoft accomplice framework comprise of various assortment, for example, frameworks integrators, unique hardware makers, web facilitating administrations, media communications organizations, autonomous programming merchants, advertising offices, esteem included affiliates and different affiliates. So as to turn out to be a piece of Microsofts organization biological system forthcoming organizations need to qualify a set if center necessities that is intended to line up with clie nt needs. These necessity incorporates gaining admittance to Microsoft enrollment in lieu of certain yearly speculation, complete accomplice profile, client references, business centered competency examination, and innovative accreditations of the experts (Crooymans et al. 2015). Further, as clear from the above conversation, it is significant for the Microsoft to choose right sort of organizations for accomplice as its prosperity relies upon the exhibition and inventive quality of the channel accomplices. In this manner, it turns out to be critical to choose individuals in accomplice environment shrewdly. The issues identified with related expenses and hazard must be sufficiently recognized before accomplice determination. Besides, what the accomplice organization welcomes on the table is additionally significant as accomplice biological system is common connection and each accomplice organization plays significant in by and large hierarchical achievement simply like pinions in a wheel (Gawer and Cusumano 2014). Centrality of the exploration An organization, when enrolled to the Microsoft Partner Program, it can sell the Microsoft items and offer help to the clients also. This program has a two-path advantage for Microsoft and the accomplice organization. Microsoft has been expanding its administration and selling system by partner with the Partner Company. The Partner Program would empower the Partner Company to get to the clients of Microsoft. Consequently, Microsoft would get support from the accomplice organization with the end goal that to offer better types of assistance to the clients. Consequently, this environment is a success win arrange for both the sides. The exploration proposition would represent on the choice measures, which are significant for the determination of a suitable customer for Microsoft. Research questions Is there any summed up approach to gauge the specialized fitness and skill of an accomplice? What is the weighted impact and determination standard of an accomplice who has venture involvement with a similar industry? What is the weighted impact of an effective and bombed venture encounters in the accomplices history? Regardless of whether the accomplice needs to apply a part standard venture the executives approach? To what extent the accomplice does needs to work in the area for meeting with the choice standards? What is the favored equalization of center for representatives of the accomplice between finished accreditation projects and venture encounters in both the nearby and worldwide markets? Research destinations and Framework The paper bargains in making an examination proposition for Microsoft in individual of the Partner Program. It likewise bargains in planning poll for the examination dependent on the exploration theme. The exploration procedure would outline the information assortment process for gathering helpful and applicable data so as to meet with the examination goals. The fundamental SMART goals of the exploration proposition are: Explicit To explore association biological system from customers point of view To comprehend the choice standards which are significant for the customer Quantifiable estimating specialized capability and expertise of an accomplice deciding the weighted impact of the accomplice in the undertaking experience Reachable Truly, by introducing the targets of the exploration concentrate as applicable to the examination theme Sensible Writing survey is be directed from a rundown of important academic assets by different writers Information assortment identified with the examination point is to be directed from a rundown of respondents pertinent to the business Time Bound Information assortment devours colossal measure of time and consequently, ought to be appropriately arranged and overseen to such an extent that to finish the examination inside its particular cutoff time Calculated structure Figure: Conceptual structure for the Partnership Ecosystem Source: Created by creator Writing Review There has been a noteworthy move in the current contending market where an innovation organization is thinking about joining or building an environment comprising of a system of accomplices, evangelists, outsider sellers, and plug in suppliers. These accomplices of the organization rotate round its item contributions and center advances. Numerous bigger programming creating integrator organizations including Microsoft, Apple or IBM have been setting up and growing an accomplice environment (Gawer and Cusumano 2014). As indicated by Mehta et al. (2016), these innovation goliaths are at the focal point of the environment and are liable for affecting their accomplices. They are additionally responsible for characterizing the character of the system too. Thomas, Sharapov and Autio (2015) accept that the ascent in noticeable quality of such ecosystemshas prompted having community associations and a worth including system of accomplices. This foundation of the biological system is signific ant for the associations to increase upper hand over the other innovation organizations in the market. The expanded unmistakable quality of the biological system advancement inside the integrator organizations has helped in the building up their startup procedures. As per Clarysse et al. (2014), a reasonable biological system advancement methodology is a fundamental piece of the development plan of the organizations. This has been the ea

Friday, August 21, 2020

Islamic Religion :: essays research papers

Todays Muslims are marked as fear mongers or on the other hand fudamentalist. In any case, their religion is a delicate religion. On the Arabian Penninsula, home of the Arabs, was confined also, they had the option to build up their human progress without outside impacts. It is around 1 million miles square, that is situated between the Red ocean and the Persian Gulf. There are two particular locales. The first has very much watered valleys among mountains and the second is parched fields what's more, desert. Grass develops rapidly during the showes of the stormy season. In old occasions the Arabs were bedouin (migrants that hersed sheep, goats, and camels. furthermore, lived in tents made of felt from camel or goat hair.) They ate new or dried dates and drank milk from their groups. On unique events they ate mutlon. their clans were made of related families. They esteemed family ties becuase in light of the fact that they guaranteed they guaranteed insurance and endurance. They had a boss (sheik). The sheik managed as long as the clan permitted him. They had a counsil of older folks. There was fighting over waterholes and fields. Their method for discipline is an eye for sn eye and a tooth for a tooth. To improve warrior abilities they had camel and pony. They had narrating in frount of the pit fire. They had verse about fights, desert, camels, ponies, and love. In 500 A.D. they began a town called Makkah, which was fifty miles inland of the Red ocean. Exchange was for the most part of creature producys for weopeans dates grains, flavors, gems ivory, silk, and fragrances. They had troops travel there from as for china. Middle Easterners had and adored numerous ditied business ties were replaceing family ties, and old inborn laws were definitely not adequat Byzantine and the Persin armed forces were threatining to overcome them. The clans had the some language however they had no focal goverment, or feeling of solidarity, The Arabs scanned for new convictions. The prohet of Islam was muhammad. He was conceived in Makkah in 570 A. D. . He was stranded at an early age and was received by his uncle. He filled in as a carovan pioneer on an exchange course. He was know to be straightforward and capable. His boss khadij'a ,a weakthy window if age 40, put him responsible for this business and proposed union with him. He went to a cavern outside the city in 610 A.D. to supplicate and quick reveloution (vision) there. He was advised to present. "Recite for the sake of your master, the maker who made man from clumps of blood. Rwcite! Your master os the most abundant one who by the pen has shown humankind things they didn't have the foggiest idea.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Role Of Animals In World War 1 - Free Essay Example

Animals have always proven themselves to be loyal and men’s best help during war ground or peace treaties. Unfortunately, as the years are passing by the usage of animals have been reduced in many jobs and areas where they were used the most, they haven’t completely been wiped out but their number have surely been reduced. According to the records recorded world war 1 took place between July 28th 1914-November till 11th 1918. Many people still believe that during the war only small number of animals were used, including: dogs, pigeons and horses, but in reality, there were more than a 16 million different species of animals that participated and served in the war with different unbelievable capabilities and responsibilities, beginning with Dolphins, glow worms, chickens, cats, pigeons, monkeys and camels. However, animals remained a decisive part of the war effort. Camels, donkeys, horses and mules were used in carrying food, water, ammunition and medical supplies to soldiers at the front, and messengers were dogs and pigeons who transported the news to wherever they were asked. Poisonous gases were detected by the canaries, cats and dogs were used to maintain the right hygiene for the soldiers in trenches by hunting the unwanted living creatures such as rats. Animals were not only work. Dogs, cats, and many other unnoticed animals, counting the monkeys, bears and lions, they were kept as pets and mascots to raise the spirit and provide comfort among the hardworking forces of the war. Dogs: Dogs are known as men’s best friend for the past centuries. They have been serving human kind in every possible way that they are capable of. It is noted that by 1918, Germany had 30,000 working dogs, Britain, France and Belgian all together over 20,000 and Italy itself had 3000 employed dogs. Americans at first, did not take dogs seriously and only used them to utilize a few hundred from the Allies for specific missions. Later, after a chance stowaway, the USA produced the most standard and highly-ranked dog services in the history of militaries, Sergeant Stubby. They were the most important part of WWI. In fact, they have made the humans to believe they are just as dependable as soldiers. Their jobs were diverse in the battles roles included: sniffing out enemies, carrying supplies, finding the wounded, delivering messages and companionship. (top 3 roles are elaborated below.) Messenger dogs: Dogs were used as messengers and were as reliable as soldiers in the dangerous tasks of running messages across the battle field. The complicated quality of trench warfare meant that communication was always a problem for the messengers. Field communication systems were disastrous and there was always a very high possibility that necessary messages from the front would never return to the headquarters or even vice versa. Humankind runners were the main targets and were weighed down by the other side, there was a real chance that they would not get through to the wanted destination. In the heat of a battle, the chances that a runner getting through as the enemy’s artillery were enormously reduced. Vehicles were also problematic, as they could easily breakdown when needed the most or the ‘roads’ could have been reduced to a mushy surface and travelling on them made was impossible. So, dogs were introduced, since they were the obvious solution to this problem. Without any doubts a trained dog was way faster than an actual human runner, dogs were less of a target to a sniper and could travel over any path. Above all, humans could extremely count on dogs if they were well trained. A dog training institution was made official in Scotland the very first time. A famous recruit from this school traveled over 4000m on the Western Front with an extremely important message to a brigade’s headquarters. This dog traveled this distance in less than sixty minutes. All other methods of communicating with the headquarters had been a failure – but the dog had got through the impossible task Casualty dogs: Casualty or ‘Mercy’ dogs were popular in the War that took place. Basically, the were ordered to be trained in the late 1800’s by the German’s men, they were later sent across Europe. In Germany, these dogs were trained to find the wounded and dying soldiers on battlefields and the equipped dogs with medical supplies to assist those suffering and get help for them if needed. Those soldiers who were able to help themselves and would wrap up their own wounds, whilst other more gravely wounded soldiers would seek the help of a Mercy dog to wait with them whilst they died or any help arrived. Scout dogs: These dogs were highly trained and had a quiet, disciplined nature. Their task was to work with foot soldiers and assist them in identifying the path ahead of them. These dogs were useful to the troops because they could detect enemy coming their way from approximately 900 meters away, faster than any man could. Instead of barking and grabbing everyone’s attention, the dogs would rigid its neck and point its tail, which meant that the opposite side was approaching them upon the specific path. Scout dogs were extravagantly useful due to their efficiency in ignoring any detection of the team. Horses: At the beginning of World War 1 horses were mainly used for troops that served on horseback. On the Western Front, cavalry forces weren’t used for long period of time but they were used for longer and had more support on the Eastern Front. Horses were more commonly used for to generally detail the organization and implementation of a complex operation- they were able to move well through mud and rough ground to carry messages, they were strong animals and were able pull supply wagons, and move medical crew and the wounded and soldiers. As the war was going on, horses were difficult to replace, their value outmatched a men. The horses used in war were living in a very harsh and unbelievable situation. Many of the horses passed away due to starvation, illnesses, lack of energy and many others died as they were killed harshly during the war. Whether pulling two-wheeled carriages, transporting weapons or carrying people to battle, the horses has been in more action than any other animal; in fact, they have been the very first animals to be instructed. By the outbreak of World War I, meant that conditions on the front were mostly more dangerous for horses than for human soldiers. In just a single day during the 1916 Battle of Verdun in France, 7,000 horses were killed. Over six million horses participated in World War I, more than any other animal in history. The British Army alone used 1,183,228 horses. (one cavalry role is described below†¦) Cavalry and fighting animals: Aside from the machine gun, sharp wires and trenches, troops on horseback proved to be remarkably effective during the war. Cavalry took considerable actions at Mons, and Russian cavalry pass deeply into Germany during the early time of the war. Cavalry were still sometimes used in their traditional even later in the war. Britain forces were trained to fight both on foot and horses and were ready for use, they were usually used by these troops than by other European forces during the battle. Mules: Mules and donkeys were way slower than horses but they were able to carry far more heavier goods and were easier to control. So, that made the mules and donkeys very popular among Allied forces. Their only downside was that they were quite noisy and they easily revealed troop positions to the enemy and they could be spotted fast. To solve this problem with the help of different kind of surgeries they had removed the vocals of such animals that could cause them any sort of problems. They were mostly only used to move goods from place to place and transfer whatever it was needed at the fronts. Cats: During World war 1, it is reported that 500,000 cats were used in the trenches, and many served on Navy ships. They helped in hunting rats and other fauna that spread illness, and also detected different poisonous gases. As one incredible story was written, a cat named Pitouchi was born in the trenches next to the soldiers. His mother passed away when he was a small kitten. A Belgian soldier, Lieutenant Lekeux, took Pitouchi home. As it was mentioned in the book of Soldiers in Fur and Feathers written by Susan Bulanda, about Pitouchi and how he saved Lekeuxs life, As Lekeux reached a safe spot near the German camps, he observed that they were hoeing a new trench. He shielded himself in a shell hole he spotted nearby and found the area safe to make some sketches of the Germans troops. He was extremely lost in his sketch that he did not realize that the German soldiers were getting closer to him. When he finally looked up he was out of time to run away. He planned to stay motionless, thinking that the Germans will not notice him, but unfortunately he was wrong and heard one soldier say, Hes in the hole right over there, so he knew his life could end any second. When Pitouchi heard, the German say that, without any delay jumped right out in front of the soldiers. The Germans were shocked and stood still and shot Pitouchi twice. luckily, Pitouchi was not hurt, even though he was really terrified, and he jumped back inside to his master. The Germans left and made fun of their previously said words that they had taken a cat as a human being. Lekeux successfully finished his masterpiece and began his journey back to the Belgian ground with Pitouchi around his shoulders. Pigeons: World War I was one greatest battles during the industrial procedure. From the old times the use of airplanes followed by the usages of tanks to railways, guns on the battle grounds were introduced, soldiers had to cooperate not only with one another but also learn new techniques on how to start the newly introduced tools from the factory sides. Back in world war 1 era, telephones were the most commonly used tool for communication from the commander to the soldiers or vice versa in any kind of conditions. Of course, in the time when war was at its peak and number of casualties were increasing by seconds, communication was the only solid solution. Unluckily, technology such as our very own home telephones or the old telegraphs—were not always as helpful as people thought it would be since the commanders from different countries had difficulties connecting with each other. And finally, when soldiers and commanders noticed that this method was useless they began approaching away older method used in very ancient times: the messenger pigeon or they can be referred to as the old time telecommunication sources. The honorable heroes of the battle of World War I, the pigeons of both the Allied and Central Powers helped in accompanying their highly regarded officers with an exactness and clearness the opposite of technology. The numerous amount of delivered messages by these feathered creatures to the US forces are still safely stored in the national archives. Looking back at the marvelous records of this small birds and their bravery in delivering all these messages at the fronts surely still has all of us shock and amazed by how they fulfilled their missions without any trouble and how their fearless actions saved thousands of American lives. These tasks shall all be remembered and noted throughout history reports. The most impressive part about the records of these savior pigeons was how extremely they were used in any sort situation. Their assistance and company in the world war 1 is the most known help and theses flying birds could be settled easily and find their comfort zone in any range of mission given to them.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Great Depression A Unique Insight Into One Of The...

The Photogrammar project provides a unique insight into one of the most difficult times in American history, the Great Depression. The project helps to show the that the Great Depression truly encompassed all of America. In nearly every county on the map one can find a â€Å"Hooverville† or other examples of poverty. It is simple to navigate to a county on the map and go through all the photos associated with it. From a particular photo the user can then go to the photographers own profile, and see all the photo’s he or she took. There is no ability to see the find the photos with big impact, like Dorothea Lange s Migrant Mother, you must do the digging yourself. The â€Å"lab† option on the toolbar brings one to a set of features that allow the user to refine their search in interesting ways. I found the treemap feature to be particularly useful. It separates the categories of images into blocks proportional to the number of images under the category. Once you c lick on the category you are brought to a collection of finer subcategories. Narrowing my search down to homes and living conditions, I found that there was over 1000 photos of temporary housing. Going further, I discovered a number of unsettling photos depicting African-American sharecropping families that were evicted at gunpoint. Also within this temporary home category were temporary mobile homes setup by the FSA. This feature allowed me to explore the diverse range of the photographers works with ease. The firstShow MoreRelatedA Shocking Account Of The Mentally Ill1026 Words   |  5 Pageshappy-ending story. It is the real life account of what many people with bipolar struggle with every day. Unlike many people, Hornbacher had her family by her side every step of the way. Throughout the book she reaches dark and dreary places that no one wants to live though, let alone read about. However she always emerges on the other side with the help of her family. 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In 1933, during the peak of the depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in as the 32nd President of The United States. Roosevelt replaced Herbert Hoover who left the country in agony. Through the domestic programs established by President Roosevelt, the effects of the Great DepressionRead MoreMental Illness1450 Words   |  6 Pagesmental illness, most commonly depression. The human mind becomes tarnished when a person has a mental illness, and often the illness takes over a person’s life completely. Mental illness is a serious problem and often goes untreated or misdiagnosed. The darkness within a person’s mind is one of the toughest aspects of life for people to conquer and many lose themselves in the fight. 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If these days remain consistent, last for long periods, and effect personal relationships/daily activities, then that person is adequately suffering from clinical depression. There are numerous forms of depressive disorders. Clinical depressive disorder, most commonly referred to asRead MoreTheories of Motivation Concepts Table1503 Words   |  6 Pages1) Choose one of the theories from the Motivation Concepts Table and describe how this theory would and would not be applicable if applied to two or more workplace situations drawn from your personal experience. Motivation has become a term as ubiquitous as it is undefinable. What exactly is motivation and how is it used to achieve a desired result? In many circumstances, individuals are motivated by different aspects at different times in their lives. Compounding this issue further are the environmentalRead MoreLetters to a Young Poet, by Rainer Maria Rilke2231 Words   |  9 PagesKappus:†Things aren’t all so tangible and sayable as people would usually have us believe; most than all other things are works of art, those mysterious existences, whose life endures beside our own small, transitory life† (Rilke 8). People are able to understand each other in the normal process since gestures have been popular among our societies. In addition, individuals would not have to waste so much time verbalizing everything in our today’s fast-paced societies. The only complication in thisRead MoreHuman Nature in a Shakespearean Play1446 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"It is quite possible—overwhelmingly probable, one might guess—that we will always learn more about human life and personality from novels than from scientific psychology† – Noam Chomsky The audience in a play is the most important aspect because of each individual’s interpretation and point of view. While an author or playwright may have certain themes or things to be reflected in the play, that may not always happen and several plays often have several meanings or theme. A play written by WilliamRead MoreAsperger s Syndrome : A Look Into A New Face Of Autism Spectrum Disorders1579 Words   |  7 Pagessingular interest and will work to interject that interest into any conversation so that the new conversation will revolve around that interest. Some children may have more than one interest but generally not more than a couple. Their lives revolve singularly around these interests and any other social behavior is awkward and difficult for them to handle. It is noted that individuals can be long winded and have little regard to another’s feelings during a conversation. They hijack the conversation and make

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Powerful Mass Media Campaigning On Canada - 1995 Words

Farrell, Simon POLI 101 April 8th, 2015 Dr. Allan Craigie Powerful Mass-Media Campaigning in Canada The media has never had the extreme omnipresence it had during the most recent federal elections. For more and more people the media is becoming something habitual, and politicians were among the first to take advantage of this fact. Be it a parties usage of online social platforms, 24-hour news broadcasting stations, or circa the 1800s printed word, there is no doubt the typical citizen feels connected in some regards to this mass of media. With most third-party communication technologies surfacing within the recent decades, the general affect on citizens lives is not fully understood. This connection is immense and complex, but it can†¦show more content†¦The influence of the media is not only too powerful, it also comes with a degree of skepticism. Media is agreed to be a entertaining and helpful phenomenon that todays consumers may receive content through newspaper, television, radio, magazine, video, and the internet. This spectrum of entertainment platforms along wit h the mass appeal drawn by the national election innovates a massive market, but the ownership remains in very few hands today. Major support for the dominant media companies are almost exclusively between banks, the government, and other larger organizations (Clarke, 21). All three of these players driven by quantity, this puts a pressure on media outlets to firstly attract, and secondly inform. In her examination of the leap to social media during the 2011 federal elections, Beange and Roebuck suggest that top-notch marketing techniques take a clearly primary position over the ‘information-heavy’ side of campaigning. â€Å"Twitter users seem to be attracted to events and causes, something the parties should note for future elections†¦ The Liberal Party focused on creating social proof by emphasizing articles about the party through social media websites taking advantage of the multiplier effect that occurs when a person shares an article in social med ia. The Bloc Quà ©bà ©cois, while weak in terms of its information-heavy website, was quite strong with regard to

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Voting and Literacy Tests Essay Example For Students

Voting and Literacy Tests Essay I believe that the Alabama Civic Knowledge Test discriminated against minorities and was entirely unfair. There is no feasible way in which such tests could be administered without being discriminating. Literacy tests that determine a persons eligibility to vote are unfair and unnecessary. It is hard to claim that the United States is a democracy unless we give every citizen the right to vote. Every American, regardless of gender, race or economic class should be able to vote. Voting is what makes the U.S. a democracy and is every Americans means of political participation. Knowledge tests were imposed on blacks that never had access to education. Expecting that those people who had little or no education answer every question correctly was implausible. I took just ten of the 68 questions in the Alabama Civic Knowledge Test, and answered only six correctly. In taking some of the questions that were given in Alabama, I found that they were very specific and the answers were demanding. One question I was asked was what the Constitution limited the size of the District of Columbia to. The answer is ten square miles, an answer that most people still do not know today. Knowing the answer to a question such as this should not indicate that one citizen is more qualified than another to vote. It is evident that these questions were targeted at minorities and the less educated. It is as unjust to indirectly restrict groups from voting through literacy tests as it is to directly say specific groups can not vote. Every citizen is promised by the Constitution equality, and unfortunately the whites found numerous ways to circumvent that promise. The primary way was through literacy tests. I feel that knowledge about politics should not be considered so heavily on ones eligibility to vote. Every citizen should have the choice to vote or not regardless of wisdom on political issues. The government is for the people, not just the property owning white males. I think that knowledge about politics should not be distinguished. It is too difficult to judge a persons knowledge, and a 68 question test is not going to sufficiently determine it. I feel that the only qualifications needed to vote should be your citizenship. Every individuals opinion together determines the public opinion. The public opinion is most easily sought through voting. This is why every individual, not just the highly educated, should be given the right to vote. Literacy tests were a way of limiting voters and regulating the outcome of elections. The effort to keep the voting and government power from the blacks and minorities was finally outlawed by the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I feel that some political knowledge is important when voting. However, a voter should take it upon themselves to learn about the individuals running in elections and should not be given a test to judge ones eligibility to vote. A person voting should realize that their vote counts and take voting seriously. The individuals that are not interested in politics usually have very little political knowledge, and tend not to even get involved with the voting process. I feel that if a person cares enough about their government, they will educate themselves in the area of politics and vote. I think that is a test itself, because those that are not interested in politics will not even register to vote in U.S. elections. Bibliography: none .

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The dramatic impact of Act 3 Scene 1 on the audience in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

The dramatic impact of Act 3 Scene 1 on the audience in Romeo and Juliet Paper In act 3 scene 1 the characters frequently change this creates dramatic impact. Drama is the moments of change that could be in the following such as character, mood, atmosphere and plot. These factors provoke a response from the audience. Impact is the response to surprise, reaction and shock. From which could be said is the impression the audience gets from these affects. Dramatic impact provokes interest and responses that are key elements in act 3 scene 1 where shock, reaction, changes in mood and atmosphere come into play. Changes in characters mood, thoughts, actions and attributes in Act 3 Scene 1 Romeos attitude at the beginning of the scene is a positive one and he is trying to calm the situation down. This could be because in the last scene he just got married to Juliet and now he is related to Tybalt. Therefore marriage has changed him from a member of a gang into a gentler and more considerate character this is best shown when he says, O sweet Juliet thy beauty hath made me effeminate, and in my temper softened various steel. When he says this he is referring to Juliet, she has made him effeminate meaning womanly so this is corresponding to all the characteristics of being a woman the main one being gentle and soft. The next big change comes with a confrontation between Mercutio and Tybalt leading to Mercutio being killed. He now wants to revenge his death as it could be said friendship is very important to him because he has been a gentler character from the beginning of the scene. We will write a custom essay sample on The dramatic impact of Act 3 Scene 1 on the audience in Romeo and Juliet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The dramatic impact of Act 3 Scene 1 on the audience in Romeo and Juliet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The dramatic impact of Act 3 Scene 1 on the audience in Romeo and Juliet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Also this can be backed up when he draws his sword on Tybalt as he was not a character to draw swords so quickly before. Another change comes after he has revenged Mercutios death and killed Tybalt but becomes aware of the implications of his actions. This is when he says, Oh I am fortunes fool. Meaning that he has been rushed into killing Tybalt and this also shows the speed of the play as it has all happened so quickly with no time to access the consequences. Consequences ultimately being the princes decision right at the beginning of the play to banish anyone caught fighting again. At the end of the scene he runs away with no longer the same courage and goes back to Juliet and being considerate. Mercutio at the beginning of the scene is dominant, clever and over confidant. This is best shown when he is told that the Capulets are approaching he replies By my heel I care not. Showing that he is uncaring, unconcerned and has a lot of bravado. It is suggested that they exchange words with the Capulets, couple it with a word and blow he is saying that they will talk but will be looking for trouble. He wants to inevitably fight, as a fight to him is action and entertainment. His big change comes when he has been stabbed he says, Aye, aye, a scratch, a scratch marry, this enough. The scratch is a much less term than a blow that he used earlier on meaning that this is totally unexpected. Scratch could also be used as the king of cats Tybalt gave it to him repetition is also used as he is trying to convince himself of what has happened. Another change comes when he is dying and he says, A plague of both your houses so he is blaming both the Capulets and the Montagues. Ugly and disturbing comes to the mind, when he says this the importance being that he is not the joker anymore. Mercutio was the comic relief, the joker in the play if hes dead the audience must think that the play is going to be more serious from now on. The impact of this being that he makes the audience change their minds about the whole play. Tybalt is aggressive as he is the king of cats ringleader in fights he is also a sly fighter and stubborn. It also seems that somehow he survives every fight. He goes up to the Montagues maybe to challenge their presence at the party he is the one who picks the fight and remains aggressive throughout so he doesnt change at all. Themes in Act 3 Scene 1 One major theme in this scene is juxtaposition of love and hate. This is best shown when Romeo says Tybalt, the reason that I love to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting. Villain am I none, therefore farewell, I see thou knowest me not. He hates Tybalt deep down but his love for Juliet is much stronger so actually love has the upper hand. There is also confusion as Juliet loves him as a person but hates him being a Montague this is clearly shown when she says My only love sprung from my only hate. Her only love is Romeo and only hate is that of him being a Montague. I do protest I never injured thee, but love thee better than thou canst devise. Here Romeo is arguing against Tybalt. Tybalt cant understand how love and hate can co-exist. Injured gives further ideas of hate, trouble and pain. Tybalt only feels hate he doesnt change. This scene is about tension, confusion, conflict and turmoil. This also gives the audience tension so dramatic impact is created through the story. Ignorance is another major theme in this scene and takes place a few times throughout. An example of this is when Tybalt says, Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford no better than this. Thou art a villain. Her Tybalt doesnt know or give Romeo a chance to prove why they should be friendlier towards each other. He doesnt bother to find out the facts as he dies before he can do so he remains ignorant of the facts. When he refers to Romeo as a villain he also judges him without proof or knowledge.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Organizational Behavior Research Paper Example

Organizational Behavior Research Paper Example Organizational Behavior Paper Organizational Behavior Paper When organizational behavior researchers collect data in real-life organizational settings, the research method of case studies is being used. Question 3 Demographic trends indicate that, in the future, people of color will constitute the majority of the U. S. Population. True Question 4 The proportion of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians in the labor force is increasing. Question 5 Laboratory studies are being used when organizational behavior researchers collect ATA in simulated and controlled settings. Question 6 psychology, sociology, criminal Justice, and anthropology. Question 7 Todays labor force is composed of fewer women than in prior years. Question 8 According to Archie Carroll, an immoral manager does not subscribe to ethical principles, but instead makes decisions and acts to take best personal advantage of a situation. Commonly used organizational behavior research methods include case studies, survey studies, meta analyses, field studies, and laboratory studies. Question 10 Organizational behavior clearly indicates that managers should be held accountable or task performance results, but not Job satisfaction results. Question 1 1 According to Archie B. Carroll, the majority of managers are: amoral. Question 12 Important dimensions of emotional intelligence include all of the following human skills EXCEPT: technical skill. Question 13 The following statements are accurate descriptions of the evolution of the scientific study of organizations EXCEPT: the primary focus on the human factor began in the 18th century. Question 14 for accomplishing them, they are engaged in which management function? Planning Question 15 Since organizations obtain resource inputs from the environment and transform hem into outputs that are returned to the environment in the form of finished goods or services, they may be viewed as: open systems. Question 16 From its scientific heritage, organizational behavior has developed all of the following EXCEPT: an emphasis on finding the one best way to complete a task. All of the following are examples of organizations EXCEPT: a government representative. Question 18 Henry Integers identified a set of roles that managers perform. These roles are grouped into which of the following three categories? Interpersonal, informational, and decisional Question 19 According to Robert Katz, the essential skills of management can be grouped into which of the following three categories? Technical, human, and conceptual Question 20 Suppose a manager starts an affirmative action program to increase opportunities for minority advancement and then clearly and convincingly communicates the objectives of the program to all employees. By doing this the manager gains their support and participation. This manager is engaged in which management function? Leading Question 21 A collection of people working together in a division of labor to achieve a common purpose refers to a(n): organization.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ration Analysis in Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ration Analysis in Decision Making - Assignment Example The healthcare company that is going to be evaluated in this report is Cameron Memorial Community Hospital. The financial statements of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital are illustrated in Appendix A and B. The tool that is going to be used to analyze the financial statements of the company is ratio analysis. The Cameron Memorial Hospital was founded in 1926 by Don F. Cameron. The hospital is a 25 bed Critical Access Community Hospital. â€Å"CMCH is a comprehensive healthcare system that services the Tri-State Area of Northeast Indiana, South Central Michigan and Northwest Ohio† (Cameronmch). Some of the services offered at Cameron Memorial Community Hospital include radiology, sleep center, surgical services, occupational health, and hospice care. There are over 100 doctors working at Cameron Memorial Community Hospital. In order to comply with its civic duties and social responsibility the hospital created the Cameron Hospital Foundation. The 2010 fiscal year of Cameron M emorial Community Hospital started September 30, 2009 and ended September 30, 2010. In 2010 Cameron Memorial Community Hospital generated total revenues of $41.94 million (In). The company’s revenues increase by 4.98% in comparison with fiscal year 2009. The total expenses of the hospital in 2010 were $41.10 million. The net margin of the company in 2010 was 4.51%. The net margin is an absolute measure of profitability. It is calculated by dividing net income by total revenues. In order to determine whether the net margin of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital is good or not we must compare it to the industry standard. A good database that has information regarding the industry standards across different industries is the Dun & Bradstreet database. The health care industry net margin industry standard is 4.2% (Dun & Bradstreet). The net margin of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital was above the industry standard by 0.31%. The table below illustrated a ratio analysis of Camer on Memorial Community Hospital in 2010. Cameron Memorial Community Hospital 2010 Net Margin 4.52% Return on Equity 7.30% Return on Assets 4.12% Debt Ratio 2.29 Current Ratio 1.97 Working Capital $4380419 Debt to 'Equity 0.77 The return on equity of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital in 2010 was 7.30%. The return on equity metric measures how effective a company was at generating profits from its total equity. The formula to calculate return on equity is dividing net income by total equity. The industry standard return on equity is 9.2% (Dun & Bradstreet). The return on equity of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital in 2010 was 1.90% below the industry standard. The return on assets of the company in 2010 was 4.12%. The return on assets metric can be calculated by dividing net income by total assets. The industry standard return on assets is 4.30% (Dun & Bradstreet). The return on assets ratio measures how effective a company was at generating profits from its total assets. The retur n on assets of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital was 0.18% below the industry standard. The debt ratio measures a company’s ability to pay off its long term debt. The debt ratio is calculated dividing total assets by total liabilities. The debt ratio of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital in 2010 was 2.29. The general rule for a debt ratio is that a debt

Monday, February 10, 2020

Wrist watches Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Wrist watches Industry - Assignment Example Nevertheless, the English and Swiss watchmaker's dominance in the wristwatch industry would have been subjected to various threats due to innovations occurring from the rest of the world. For example, the Swiss watchmakers were repeatedly unable to react properly to these emerging innovations in the technological aspects of wrist watch design. The industry serves as a proof that many watch-making companies across the world would often do the same mistake repeatedly. These companies often were unable to detect the trends and cycles of the changes in watch-making technology in order to get prepared for it. The great examples of these technological changes were the 'Quartz technology' and the 'following shift of emphasis to fashion has had dramatic impacts on the watch industry' (HEGARTY and CORNER, 1996). Japanese watch-making companies were able to grasp the opportunity that the Quartz technology has to offer which made them more dominant than Swiss companies. However, the later emphasis on design and fashion on wristwatches brought back the glory and dominance back to Swiss watch-making companies. The development of Quartz technology made Japanese companies dominant for a while. Japanese companies were so overwhelmed by their successes that they were unable to detect the upcoming trend in wristwatch industry, which is emphasis on fashion and style. These new trend was dominated by the Swiss companies for the next 10 years (HEGARTY and CORNER, 1996)Wristwatch companies, both Swiss and Japanese alike, were unable to respond well to the threats that were coming their way when they were in their dominant position which unable them to understand future needs and preferences of wristwatch buyers. 'The Swiss and English did not recognise the threat that machined watches with interchangeab le parts were to them and they lost large market share in the Nineteenth century. It took almost half of a century for Swiss companies to recover market share up to and during WWII' (HEGARTY and CORNER, 1996). However, Swiss companies' efforts to take back the watch industry proved to be successful at the turn of the 20th century. The introduction of the Dingley Tariff Law enabled companies such as Bulova, Benrus, Gruen, and Longines-Wittnauer to 'assemble watches in the U.S. with Swiss movements'. The Swiss developed more accurate techniques and founded their factories on the knowledge acquired by Mr. 'Favre-Perret's visit to the U.S'. It was the Swiss companies' focused on advancement in mechanical parts and development of 'complications such as calendars, chronographs (stop watches), and self-winding models' that helped them sustained their dominance. On the other hand, Rolex, with the development 'first water resistant watch in the 1920s and the first automatic winder in 1931' contributed to Swiss dominance. Moreover, Swiss watchmakers made smaller wristwatches with more accuracy and reliability. As a result, 80% of worldwide wristwatch market was won back by two Swiss companies by th e conclusion of the Second World War. Even though 'Allied factories' re-focused to wristwatch production after the second world war, Swiss watchmake

Friday, January 31, 2020

Why Do People Work Essay Example for Free

Why Do People Work Essay Mr Harris liked trains. He was afraid of aeroplanes, and didnt like buses. But trains ,they were big and noisy and exciting. When he was a boy of ten, he liked trains. Now he was a man of fifty, and he still liked trains. So he was a happy man on the night of the 14th of September. He was on the night train from Helsinki to Oulu in Finland, and he had ten hours in front of him. Ive got a book and my newspaper, he thought. And theres a good restaurant on the train. And then Ive got two weeks holiday with my Finnish friends in Oulu. There werent many people on the train, and nobody came into Mr Harriss carriage. He was happy about that. Most people on the train slept through the night, but Mr Harris liked to look out of the window, and to read and think. After dinner in the restaurant Mr Harris came back to his carriage, and sat in his seat next to the window. For an hour or two he watched the trees and lakes of Finland out of the window. Then it began to get dark, so he opened his book and began to read. At midnight the train stopped at the small station of Otava. Mr Harris looked out of the window, but he saw nobody. The train moved away from the station, into the black night again. Then the door of Mr Harriss carriage opened, and two people came in. A young man and a young woman. The young woman was angry. She closed the door and shouted at the man: Carl! You cant do this to me! The young man laughed loudly and sat down. Mr Harris was a small, quiet man. He wore quiet clothes, and he had a quiet voice. He did not like noisy people and loud voices. So he was not pleased. Young people are always noisy, he thought. Why cant they talk quietly? He put his book down and closed his eyes. But he could not sleep because the  two young people didnt stop talking. The young woman sat down and said in a quieter voice: Carl, youre my brother and I love you, but please listen to me. You cant take my diamond necklace. Give it back to me now. Please! Carl smiled. No, Elena, he said. Im going back to Russia soon, and Im taking your diamonds with me. He took off his hat and put it on the seat. Elena, listen. You have a rich husband, but I , I have no money. I have nothing! How can I live without money? You cant give me money, so I need your diamonds, little sister. Mr Harris looked at the young woman. She was small, with black hair and dark eyes. Her face was white and afraid. Mr Harris began to feel sorry for Elena. She and her brother didnt look at him once. Cant they see me? he thought. Carl, Elena said. Her voice was very quiet now, and Mr Harris listened carefully. You came to dinner at our house tonight, and you went to my room and took my diamond necklace. How could you do that to me? My husband gave the diamonds to me. They were his mothers diamonds before that. Hes going to be very, very angry , and Im afraid of him. Her brother laughed. He put his hand in his pocket, then took it out again and opened it slowly. The diamond necklace in his hand was very beautiful. Mr Harris stared at it. For a minute or two nobody moved and it was quiet in the carriage. There was only the noise of the train, and it went quickly on through the dark cold night. Mr Harris opened his book again, but he didnt read it. He watched Carls face, with its hungry eyes and its cold smile. What beautiful, beautiful diamonds! Carl said. I can get a lot of money for these. Give them back to me, Carl, Elena whispered. My husbands going to kill me. Youre my brother . . . Please help me. Please! Carl laughed again, and Mr Harris wanted to hit him. Go home, little sister, Carl said. Im not going to give the diamonds back to you. Go home to your angry husband. Suddenly there was a knife in the young womans hand. A long, bright knife. Mr Harris watched with his mouth open. He couldnt speak or move. Give the diamonds back to me! Elena cried. Or Im going to kill you! Her hand on the knife was white. Carl laughed and laughed. What a sister! he said. What a kind, sweet sister! No, theyre my diamonds now. Put your knife away, little sister. But the knife in the white hand moved quickly: up, then down. There was a long, terrible cry, and Carls body fell slowly on to the seat. The colour of the seat began to change to red, and the diamond necklace fell from Carls hand on to the floor. Elenas face was white. Oh no! she whispered. Carl! Come back . . . come back! I didnt want to kill you! But Carl didnt answer, and the red blood ran slowly over the floor. Elena put her head in her hands, and again in the carriage there was a long, terrible cry. Mr Harriss face was white too. He opened his mouth, but he couldnt speak. He stood up, and carefully moved to the door. The young woman was quiet now. She didnt move or look up at Mr Harris. In the corridor, Mr Harris ran. The guard was at the back of the train and Mr Harris got there in half a minute. Quickly! Mr Harris said. Come quickly! An accident . . . a young woman . . . oh dear! Her brother is . . . is dead! The guard ran with Mr Harris back to the carriage. Mr Harris opened the door  and they went inside. There was no dead body of a young man. There was no young woman . . . no blood, no knife, no diamond necklace. Only Mr Harriss bags and his hat and coat. The guard looked at Mr Harris, and Mr Harris looked at him. But . . . Mr Harris began. But they were here! I saw them! She . . . the young woman . . . She had a knife and she . . . she killed her brother. A knife, you say? the guard asked. Yes, Mr Harris said quickly. A long knife, and her brother took her diamonds, so she Ah! Diamonds! the guard said. Was the young womans name Elena? he asked. Yes, it was! Mr Harris said. How do you know that? Do you . . . Do you know her? Yes , and no, the guard said slowly. He thought for a minute, then looked at Mr Harris. Elena di Saronelli, he said. She had dark eyes and black hair. Very beautiful. She was half-Italian, half-Finnish. Her brother was a half-brother. They had the same father, but his mother was Russian, I think. Was? Had? Mr Harris stared at the guard. But she . . . Elena . . . shes alive! And where is she? Oh no, said the guard. Elena di Saronelli died about eighty years ago. After she killed her brother with a knife, she jumped off the train, and  died at once. It was near here, I think. He looked out of the window, into the night. Mr Harriss face was very white again. Eighty years ago! he whispered. What are you saying? Were she and her brother . . . But I saw them! Yes, thats right, the guard said. You saw them, but theyre not alive. Theyre ghosts. They often come on the night train at this time in September. I never see them, but somebody saw them last year. A man and his wife. They were very unhappy about it. But what can I do? I cant stop Elena and Carl coming on the train. The guard looked at Mr Harriss white face. You need a drink, he said. Come and have a vodka with me. Mr Harris didnt usually drink vodka, but he felt afraid. When he closed his eyes, he could see again Elenas long knife and could hear her terrible cry. So he went with the guard to the back of the train. After the vodka, Mr Harris felt better. He didnt want to sleep, and the guard was happy to talk. So Mr Harris stayed with the guard and didnt go back to his carriage. Yes, the guard said, its a famous story. I dont remember it all. It happened a long time  ago, of course. Elenas father was a famous man here in Finland. He was very rich once, but he had  three or four wives and about eight children. And he liked the good things of life. So there wasnt much money for the children. Carl, the oldest son, was a bad man, people say. He wanted an easy life, and money in his hand all the time. The train hurried on to Oulu through the black night, and the guard drank  some more vodka. Now, Elena, he said. She didnt have an easy life with those three difficult men , her father, her brother, her husband. One year she visited her mothers family in Italy, and there she met her husband, di Saronelli. He was rich, but he wasnt a kind man. They came back to Finland, and Carl often visited their house. He wanted money from his sisters rich husband. Elena loved her brother, and gave him some money. But di Saronelli didnt like Carl and was angry with Elena. He stopped giving her money, and after that . . . well, you know the story now. Yes, Mr Harris said. Poor, unhappy Elena. Mr Harris stayed with his friends in Oulu for two weeks. They were quiet weeks, and Mr Harris had a good holiday. But he took the bus back to Helsinki. The bus was slow, and there were a lot of people on it, but Mr Harris was very happy. He didnt want to take the night train across Finland again.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Rates Of Reaction :: essays research papers

Rates of Reaction BACKGROUND INFORMATION What affects the rate of reaction? 1) The surface area of the magnesium. 2) The temperature of the reaction. 3) Concentration of the hydrochloric acid. 4) Presence of a catalyst. In the experiment we use hydrochloric acid which reacts with the magnesium to form magnesium chloride. The hydrogen ions give hydrochloric acid its acidic properties, so that all solutions of hydrogen chloride and water have a sour taste; corrode active metals, forming metal chlorides and hydrogen; turn litmus red; neutralise alkalis; and react with salts of weak acids, forming chlorides and the weak acids. Magnesium, symbol Mg, silvery white metallic element that is relatively unreactive. In group 2 (or IIa) of the periodic table, magnesium is one of the alkaline earth metals. The atomic number of magnesium is 12. Magnesium(s) + Hydrochloric acid(aq) = Magnesium Chloride(aq) + Hydrogen(g) Mg + 2HCl  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MgCl2 +   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  H2 In the reaction when the magnesium hits the acid when dropped in, it fisses and then disappears giving of hydrogen as it fisses and it leaves behind a solution of hydrogen chloride. The activation energy of a particle is increased with heat. The particles which have to have the activation energy are those particles which are moving, in the case of magnesium and hydrochloric acid, it is the hydrochloric acid particles which have to have the activation energy because they are the ones that are moving and bombarding the magnesium particles to produce magnesium chloride. The rate at which all reactions happen are different. An example of a fast reaction is an explosion, and an example of a slow reaction is rusting. In any reaction, reactants chemical reactions ® products. We can measure reactions in two ways: 1) Continuous:- Start the experiment and watch it happen; you can use a computer â€Å"logging† system to monitor it. I.e. Watching a colour fade or increase. 2) Discontinuous:- Do the experiments and take readings/ samples from the experiment at different times, then analyse the readings/samples to see how many reactants and products are used up/ produced. Reaction rate = amount of reactant used up time taken If the amount used up is the same each time then the only thing that changes is the time taken. so, reaction rate  µ   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1 time taken. rate = K time taken. Where K is the constant for the reaction. For particles to react:- a) They have to collide with each other. b) They need a certain amount of energy to break down the bonds of the particles and form new ones. This energy is called the â€Å"Activation Energy† or Ea. When we increase the temperature we give the particles more energy which: 1) Makes them move faster which In turn makes them collide with each other more

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Crime and Ethical Standards

Crime and Ethical Standards Since you have demonstrated your knowledge about criminal Justice so well, the chief of police has another assignment for you. Chief Draper wants you to review a specific case and assess the arresting officer's conduct. To prepare your report, you consider certain factors, such as the societal factors that may have influenced the suspect's behavior, the role of the government in terms of protecting both society and an individual's rights, and the ethical standards that govern law enforcement. Here's What HappenedCentral police officer Lance Marion responded to a call for service from a high- end retailer, who reported that an unkempt woman wearing disheveled, dirty, and torn clothing left the store without paying for Items she selected while shopping In the Misses Clothing Department. The store manager reported that the woman failed to respond to any verbal prompts made to her by store associates. As Officer Marion drove toward the store, he noticed a woma n matching her description walking along the side of the road, carrying what appeared to be clothing.Once the officer reached the location of the woman, he recognized her?Mary Jones? s being an individual he had arrested several times before for public drunkenness, resisting arrest, possession of a controlled substance, felony larceny, and prostitution. Officer Marion anticipated that this could be a very challenging situation because Jones did not like law enforcement, tended to be aggressive, and had, In the past, run as soon as she saw a police cruiser. Marion called for backup and asked Jones to stop as he stepped out of his vehicle.She started to run, but he caught up with her very quickly. Jones struggled with Officer Marion on the ground, although he managed to humanely subdue her and place her in handcuffs. Officer Marion called the incident into Communications and placed the suspect in his cruiser. He then gathered the clothing items dropped by the suspect along the side of the road. He noticed the items had price tags displaying the name of the retailer who reported the initial incident to law enforcement. During transport, Jones yelled and became very agitated.When she arrived at the police department, Jones was very upset. She tried to hurt herself by banging her head on the desk as the officer tried to Interview her about the alleged larceny report, It was clear to Officer Marion that Jones was under the influence of drugs, so he discontinued the interview process. Marion requested Here's What You Need To Do †¦ After carefully reviewing the case details, prepare a 2- to 3-page report assessing whether the procedures (both legal and ethical) were followed appropriately.Use the Argosy University Online Library resources to find articles that support your assessment. You may also use your textbook. Your report should address the following: Select one of the crimes Jones has been previously charged with (e. G. , public drunkenness, resisting arre st, possession of a controlled substance, felony larceny, or prostitution). What type of crime is it (misdemeanors or felony)? O How is this crime defined in the state in which you live? O How might societal factors have influenced this suspect's crimes? Analyze how the purpose of government and the social contract might protect the rights (e. G. , safety and security) of the suspect in this case. Compare the various roles Officer Marion must play in this case. Consider that Marion must enforce the law and protect the suspect from harm at the same time. Analyze how a law enforcement officer's actions might be influenced if he or she is arresting an â€Å"unsympathetic suspect or victim,† specifically suspect or victim who the officer has arrested before or who engages in a high-risk lifestyle, such as substance abuse, drug dealing, or prostitution.Justify whether Officer Marion acted accordingly. How might the criminal Justice professional maintain ethical standards when work ing with diverse populations? Once charged, what rights does the defendant, Jones, have? Be sure to organize your paper into clear and concise paragraphs. You should read the grading rubric before starting your paper to ensure you cover all the material appropriately. Include an PAP-formatted reference page that links to your in-text citations.

Monday, January 6, 2020

What is a psycological impact of having an imbalanced life in a family - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 838 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? In the field of psychology and working institutions, scholarly research plans have a tendency to be impacted by the hierarchical and societal view of conflicting issues. The development of enthusiasm for work-life balance mirrors an idea that it is a subject that requires examination. It is conceivable that parents who are busy at work do not see an issue yet that teachers, mindful that kids are not being urged by occupied guardians to finish homework, do trust that the issue exists. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is a psycological impact of having an imbalanced life in a family?" essay for you Create order â€Å"The people who fall under the category of who believe in working less feel like they are a group of overachievers, however, there is nothing really strange about the. The slow movement in people and their progress is not all about slagging behind, rather, it is about being smarter and working effectively (DeWolf, 2015).† The paper aims to discuss the psychological effect of work-balance to the family. There are considerably bigger collection of studies on the results of types of imbalance in work-life and specifically different signs of work overflow and strife. This has just been addressed in past segments. In his survey of the branch of knowledge, Bartels (2007) recognizes look into on work and life fulfillment, on prosperity, physical as well as emotional wellbeing and singular execution in organizations. This mirrors an arrangement of conventional results important to psychologists. Recent studies have progressively perceived the multifaceted nature of the issues that surround marriage life, and the investigation by Hutchinson and partners referred to prior is only one representation of the concept of work-life balance that touches lack of understanding among the couples. Either the wife or the husband who seems to be always late home, spending a lot of time at work, works even while at home, leaves home immediately when he or she receives call to go to job disappoints more. H owever, working smart and nor hard can always create a balance between the family and the job activities. More refined research commonly begins from a specific family model. For instance, there is a vast assemblage of scholarly study on ladies professions that investigates the results of different sorts of duties in the family. Likewise, there is broad analysis on families that run double career. Such examinations more often than not consider the requests and rewards in both the working environment and the home. An illustration of the psychological impact of work-life balance on the family can be found research done by Hu, L., Hannum, Schnittker, Behrman (2015) who report a complete investigation of two-hundred double procuring married partners where they investigated the effect of a scope stressors of work on conjugal fulfillment. Conflict in the family set up caused by work is one of the stressors. Utilizing basic condition demonstrating, they found that a large portion of the stressors overflowed into conjugal fulfillment using employment fatigue and its effect on psychosomatic wellbeing. Conflict due to work in the family and time weight had a more grounded impact than different stressors, for example, relations with leaders and occupation instability. However, this influenced each accomplice autonomously and did not overflow into the conjugal fulfillment of the other accomplice. At the end of the day the ladies accomplice may have encountered work-family conflict; this affected wearine ss and wellbeing which thus negatively affected her conjugal fulfillment however regardless of this work overflow, the examination distinguished no marital overflow from the fulfillment by married couples. Another regular case is the examination of Gerson, (2011) who inspected the effect of family stressors and work as well as clashes on the emotional wellness and working of ladies in the United States Air Force. The findings of the study were complex. Utilizing auxiliary condition displaying once more, they identified that the married couples with family children parts had an alternate impact. They additionally deduced that high association in the family, as well as work, influenced the result. Both marital and occupation troubles and conflict of work imbalance in the family affect psychological wellness. High contribution in occupation and family impacts positively on distress but has a negative effect on the conflict of work imbalance between the husband and wife. There is a broad group of research from Australia, North America and Europe that shows the negative results of joblessness on family work unit and individual success. There are two major types of the model to that explains the concept; the agency model and the deprivation model. The deprivation model is especially connected with the work of Hutchinson (2016), and accentuates the idle elements of work, for example, status in the public arena, giving a period structure and requirements to perform a role. These elements are somehow linked to the people encountering joblessness. Conversely, an agency model (Hutchinson, 2016) offer substantially stronger effect to interpretation on individual basis and activity as opposed to elements related to the experience of joblessness. Office shapes future assumptions about the future precisely controlled analyses to be liable to change alter psychological intercession (Hutchinson, 2016). Joblessness may have insignificant effect on the organization yet an extensive effect on jobless specialists and their families.